“DAC iFI Micro iDSD….with enhanced functionality and at the same time much less expensive” says Dmitry Lovkovsky on Audio Video.

最新动态, 评测
“The device is universal – it can be used not only on the go but also be used as a desktop…autonomous power, good compatibility with smartphones…the sound quality comes first…dual-core Burr-Brown chipset…The Micro iDSD is based on the latest 8-core XMOS chip….is supplemented with the built-in iPurifier firmware…The ability to adapt the sound….The peak power of the headphone amplifier is 4000 mW at 16 Ohm load, continuous – 1560 mW at 64 Ohms….Just like in any fast food shop, you get not only the burger but also the necessary tool for its use….The device is powered by a built-in lithium-polymer battery with a capacity of 4800 mAh….the music is so captivating…”
Thank you Dmitry Lokvosky for your awesome review.


“This iDSD Micro Black Label is very successful…” says Phillipe David from Haute Fidelity
“iFi Micro iDSD BL – The good dark side! It just feels like you are driving a Porsche… ” shouts BillsonChang007 on Head-Fi.


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“This iDSD Micro Black Label is very successful…” says Phillipe David from Haute Fidelity
“iFi Micro iDSD BL – The good dark side! It just feels like you are driving a Porsche… ” shouts BillsonChang007 on Head-Fi.