iCan Micro SE: “Size does not tell the whole story”

最新动态, 评测

Penned by Conquerator2 of Head-Fi

“Where this little gem proved itself and more was the ability to extract as much information from a recording as possible, without sacrificing much in the way of musicality or dynamics and throwing it all into an impressively cohesive sonic image. What’s more, it also comes in the smallest form factor of all these amplifiers, while having the power to drive virtually any headphone. In the end, it managed to compete with twice as expensive offerings without selling itself short and making itself the first choice for those who move regularly or need a modern, inexpensive yet capable device for most any home or studio use. And while the still excellent Corda Jazz holds the rank for the first amplifier to do that, iCAN now also put the SE right up there as one of the most impressive all-round budget devices that I had the pleasure to hear.”

Thanks Conquerator2!


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