iCan Pro scores a 9.8 out of 10!

最新动态, 评测

“Conclusion: I called the ifi iDSD micro the Swiss Army Knife of portable/desktop DAC/amps. The Pro iCan is that times 1,000 in the desktop amp range. Versatile, tube-sound, solid state sound, hybrid sound, power to drive an HE-6 and highly sensitive 8 Ohm IEMs, fully balanced mode, connectors for ANYthing. And a sound quality that you usually have to pay at least double the amount for. I so want this amp. This amp is pure endgame material. There is no reason to own anything else. If you can afford this beauty”

Thanks Koolpep, Samma3a and Mazen!



iDSD nano featured on 01net.com hosted by Power! France
iFi covered at Munich, High End 2016 by David of Hifiknights!


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iDSD nano featured on 01net.com hosted by Power! France
iFi covered at Munich, High End 2016 by David of Hifiknights!