“iFi Audio iPurifier 2: Absolutely astonishing.” a review by Laurent Thorin on Vumètre

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“iFi Audio has a catch: the cleaner of the USB audio signal…a pioneer in the field, developing the first USB signal regenerator…iFi Audio has developed its first USB audio filter, the iPurifier…The operation of this device is based on the eradication of parasitic noise by generating a signal identical to the background noise but with exactly opposite phase. So all the noises arriving are cancelled. The iPurifier 2 is also very complete because it is already compatible with the future standards of PCM/DSD/DXD….On each trial, we noticed a significant gain in opening, transparency and delicacy. The sound scene is more spacious and stepped, the dynamics rises one notch and the restoration gains a lot in softness and in opening. The iPurifier 2 is a very useful product that is nothing like a gadget. It improves the sound quality sensibly. …Thanks to iFi Audio and its many toys, it reduces the sound degradation for more musicality. Approved!”

Thank you Laurent Thorin for your superb review.


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“iFi Pro iCAN: One of the best headphone amps on the market today”: A review by Trogdor on Head-Fi.
“iFi SPDIF iPurifier: Brings everything into a sharper focus with better shape, definition and clarity.” says highfell on Head-Fi.


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“iFi Pro iCAN: One of the best headphone amps on the market today”: A review by Trogdor on Head-Fi.
“iFi SPDIF iPurifier: Brings everything into a sharper focus with better shape, definition and clarity.” says highfell on Head-Fi.