iPhono Micro: Going Analogue without breaking the bank!

最新动态, 评测

“If your receiver/ pre amplifier does not offer a decent phono input the iFi iPhono deserves your attention as it packs just about every possible feature one could ask, including the absolutely necessary capacitance and resistive loading option that will make your pick up work properly. Had the iPhono for a long period and placed it against the ASR basis exclusive which obviously bettered it in aspects like microdynamics, treble and soundstage though the small iFi managed to hold its own pretty well. For $399 you cannot ask for more, or maybe you can as since my review iFi launched an improved mk II version which promises even more dynamic range thanks to the redesigned and more quiet circuits.”

Thanks Panagiotis Karavitis (AKA, Dr.Pi!)


Michael Fremer reviews the iPhono 2!
iPhono 2 receives Best Buy award from the-ear.net!


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Michael Fremer reviews the iPhono 2!
iPhono 2 receives Best Buy award from the-ear.net!