iUSB3.0 Micro ain’t no FOOL! Mr.T reviews iFi!

最新动态, 评测

“We reviewed the original iUSBPower by iFi Audio about two years ago and found it immensely useful for people who wanted clean power for their USB DACs — especially those powered solely by USB power……Two years later, the iUSB 3.0 is iFi Audio‘s futureproofed clean power solution……For the time being, however, the iUSB 3.0 is already beyond sufficient for the way 99.9% of all USB DACs are connected (via USB 2.0). If you need to connect to two devices simultaneously, the iUSB 3.0 is the clean power module for you.”

Thanks Mr.T !



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Meat, Beer, Pretzels, Gelato and Music! Yup its Munich, High End 2016!_part 4
iPurifier 2: The in-betweeners. USB audio transmission.