Rick from Sweden enjoying the iLink Micro!

最新动态, 评测

We’ve just received these very kind comments from a iFi customer via Facebook….

“I’m quite new into the hifi community. I bought a ifi ilink and not expecting very much since I’m quite sceptical and always trust me own ears and never some marketing gimmick or other peoples opinions. However WOW!!! What an upgrade! The cost benefit ratio is through the roof! I said to my local hifi dealer after buying, “now I know what jitter is”. The music is much more precise, its like its more correct now, the accuracy is increased. In other words, less jitter! Also the noise floor is significantly lower, when I raise or lower the volume its ONLY the volume of the music that raises or lowers and not some background noise.
Before having the ilink I used the music player amarra 3.0 on my mac mini for playback of my local flac files. The difference between amarra 3.0 and other hifi software playback programs was quite impressive. Now with ilink there is no difference to speak of between amarra and even streaming with tidal original client. The ilnk improve the signal in such a way that I don’t have to think about what playback program I use! They all sound equally good, streaming, local files and whatever playback method doesn’t matter now and before it was very important for sound quality. Now I exclusively use streaming with tidal since it gives access to so much music and it sounds almost on par to expensive software with when using ilink. Thanks very much for a great product IFI, regards Rick from Sweden”

Thanks Rick!


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Liam of Computeraudiophile.com taken back by the DC iPurifier!
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