thatonenoob tries out the iCan Micro and SE!

最新动态, 评测
” I personally found that the iCAN SE was more closed, intimate, and fuller sounding, whereas the iCAN standard was more strident and airy. It’s more a matter of personal preference, but I found both amplifiers to be very agreeable with most headphones……I did enjoy my time with iFi quite a lot. It’s a great amplifier, and its features are truly well implemented and do provide a meaningful value added. If you’re looking for a new headphone amplifier, I’d heartily recommend the iCAN. It’s discrete, well-built, and most importantly, sounds excellent. I must say that a purchase to test out the 3D functionality alone would be warranted. Put simply – there’s a lot going on at a highly reasonable price point, and iFi did a job well done with this amplifier.”

Thank you Ken and thatonenoob of Head-fi!

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iDSD micro: “Warm, thick and deep tonal body, detailed yet relaxing trebles” says Whitigir of Head-fi!
Sandal Audio, Japan, reviews the iDAC2!