Rie-Fu for Asia iCLUB members

Calling all Asia iCLUB members, anyone who is in Hong Kong on Friday 5th June please contact your concierge as we have a very limited number of tickets for the Rie-Fu “unplugged gig” at the Fringe Dairy.

As you know, Rie-Fu is a super-talented artist in all senses of the word as she paints, draws, writes and sings who own songs! And of course there are some upcoming Quad DSD 256 tracks from Rie-Fu.

Hurry and rsvp with your iClub concierge as this is a very limited, “one night only” live acoustic session.


To give you a taster:


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iDSD Nano: One of the best priced DAC’s says Fernando!


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For immediate release: Retro series launch
iDSD Nano: One of the best priced DAC’s says Fernando!